1936 - 2022


Margaret (Ferguson) Desanti, one of nine survivors we interviewed for “Athenia’s Last Voyage,” died this week. She was 85 years old. On Sept. 3, 1939, Margaret was a few weeks shy of her third birthday on board Athenia when it was torpedoed of the first day of World War II. Margaret (at right, in photo with younger sister, Gwen Chmilar) was a bright, engaging, and thoughtful interviewee who recalled how the torpedo’s explosion blew off her shoes and knocked over her chair as the lights went out in the Third Class Dining Room. Her mother found Margaret and her older sister, Kay, in the darkness and brought them safely through the rescue operations and eventually back home to Canada. We sorely miss Margaret and send our deepest condolences to her loving family.

Margaret’s passing reminds us that we are fast approaching the limits of living memory for events like the sinking of Athenia. We’re inspired to re-dedicate our efforts to raise the funds needed to complete our documentary by the end of this year. We hope it will be a fitting tribute to her memory and to all those who sailed on Athenia’s last voyage.


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